Our New Pet identification Service

I've never written a blog before so sit back and have a laugh on me. We have just opened our new identification service pet-id-tags.co.uk on the web. We would love everybody to use our service because we will give you the best quality id tags for your pets that you could possibly buy. 

we have been in the engraving business for over 20 years and have learnt so much over that time. We often purchase tags from other engravers out there to check the quality of the tags they are sending out, and we can honestly say that we do a far better job.

80% of other engravers use a singe block font to engrave a pet tag because this is a very quick way to engrave a tag. This method will not last as long as our tags because the letters are made up of 1 single line.

All my tags carry a lifetime guarantee against the text becoming illegible to read.


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